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Rollerball (1975)

  • Crafty Devil's Cellar 16 Llandaff Road Cardiff, Wales, CF11 United Kingdom (map)

Rollerball (1975)
Dir. Norman Jewison
125 mins
Cert 15

"This movie will haunt your future ... because it's almost here!"

The year is 2018. Warfare is a thing of the past. It has been replace by Rollerball, a violent, full contact, motorbike assisted ball game, played between corporations and countries. In this classic dystopian sports movie, James Caan plays Johnathan E, the world's most recognisable player as he starts to uncover conspiracy and the evil intent that lies behind the game.

Like our last screening, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), Rollerball stands out as a paranoid 70s satire of big business, the global elite and the mindless consumerism of TV and sports fans. With the "near future" as foretold in 1975 now almost upon us, it's fascinating, and a little unnerving, to see just how close we have come to that vision!

We'll be in Crafty Devil's Cellar from 7:30pm and the screening will start at 8pm.