The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
Dir. Wes Anderson
110 mins
Cert 15
The winner of our first People's Choice poll is Wes Anderson's 2001 breakout hit, The Royal Tenenbaums.
The three Tenenbaum children are geniuses. All have been very successful from a very young age but now an existential slump has overwhelmed them. When their father, Royal Tenenbaum, is faced with the double-whammy of homelessness and serious illness, the family is forced into awkward reunion, interaction and reconsideration.
That's not a description that screams 'comedy', but this is a deeply funny and moving film. The incredible ensemble cast perfectly inhabit Anderson's obsessively detailed and constructed world. It's a modern classic and one of our favourite films - we're really excited to be screening it for you!
We're returning to The Little Man Coffee Co. for this screening so you'll be able to get hold of their fantastic coffee, excellent selection of alcoholic beverages, and wonderful cakes!
Doors open at 7:30pm for an 8pm start.