Snowcat Cinema presents Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
Dir. Philip Kaufman
115 mins
Cert 15
You'll never close your eyes again...
Travelling far across the reaches of space, an alien race flees its dying homeworld. When it arrives on Earth it assimilates with plants, but it's not long before humans become hosts to the invading lifeform.
A remake of the 1956 classic, Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a terrifying masterpiece of paranoid '70s horror. Donald Sutherland leads an outstanding cast through a science fiction story that is given a horrifying reality by its gut-churning physical effects (no CGI here) and otherworldly sound design (by Ben Burtt, fresh from his ground-breaking work on Star Wars).
We'll be in Crafty Devil's Cellar from 7:30pm and the screening will start at 8pm.
£8 (tickets available in advance or on the door)